Windows and “GodMode” (GUID and Canonical Names)

Recently there has been a spate of articles about how to access the so-called “GodMode” in Windows using a special shortcut code. Truth be told, this isn’t really new and there’s a bit more to these codes than these articles suggest. First of all, this shortcut is actually using something called a Globally Unique Identifier Number (GUID). To make a long story short, they are a sort of a reference system for accessing a particular part of a larger application; like large, old reference books have those scalloped cut outs along the edge so you can flip quickly to a section.

“GodMode” as many people are calling it, is handy to folks because many of the controls changed significantly from Windows XP to Windows Vista & 7 (where these GUID and their Canonical Names come into widespread use). It basically pulls up a highly detailed list of settings and controls; much more extensive than the default “Control Panel” shortcut found in the Windows Start Menu.

To use any GUID:

  • Right click on your Windows 7 or Windows Vista desktop and select New | Folder to create a GUIDE shortcut.
  • Name the new folder using the following convention (replacing GUID with the actual GUID number you want to access):
  • WhateverYouWantToCallThisShortcut.GUID


  • The GodMoe GUID is {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} so you could use the following:
  • GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
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Here is the exhaustive list of documented GUID for Windows Vista and Windows 7:

Control Panel ItemCanonical nameGUID
Add HardwareMicrosoft.AddHardware{7A979262-40CE-46ff-AEEE-7884AC3B6136}
Backup and Restore CenterMicrosoft.BackupAndRestoreCenter{B98A2BEA-7D42-4558-8BD1-832F41BAC6FD}
Windows MarketplaceMicrosoft.GetProgramsOnline{3e7efb4c-faf1-453d-89eb-56026875ef90}
Pen and Input DevicesMicrosoft.PenAndInputDevices{F82DF8F7-8B9F-442E-A48C-818EA735FF9B}
Phone and ModemMicrosoft.PhoneAndModemOptions{40419485-C444-4567-851A-2DD7BFA1684D}
Problem Reports and SolutionsMicrosoft.ProblemReportsAndSolutions{FCFEECAE-EE1B-4849-AE50-685DCF7717EC}
Regional and Language OptionsMicrosoft.RegionalAndLanguageOptions{62D8ED13-C9D0-4CE8-A914-47DD628FB1B0}
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Speech Recognition OptionsMicrosoft.SpeechRecognitionOptions{58E3C745-D971-4081-9034-86E34B30836A}
Welcome CenterMicrosoft.WelcomeCenter{CB1B7F8C-C50A-4176-B604-9E24DEE8D4D1}
Windows Sidebar PropertiesMicrosoft.WindowsSidebarProperties{37efd44d-ef8d-41b1-940d-96973a50e9e0}

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