Unnecessarily Doomy Thoughts… The Bed Plague

Carried by fleas on black rats, the Bubonic Plague killed up to 60{a31f233dcfb9a68fbfb0fafc3ce96f3dbf18fa49e3f406b8ddf4c360aa321eb6} of Europe’s population during the 14th century.

Just the sort of thought that enters my head as I’m listening to NPR’s report on the return and rise of the bed bug.

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2 Responses

  1. Wayferny says:

    While bed bugs are NO FUN ™, to my knowledge, they transmit few to no nasty diseases.

  2. Mystech says:

    You are correct, aside from the annoyance, occasional rash and rare secondary infection from scratching they do not transmit diseases. My mention was just a musing about a hypothetical scenario.

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